First of all, congratulations!
The entire Kedron Catholic Parish wants to share with you the excitement as you plan and look forward to your wedding day and your future together.
As you probably know, the Catholic Church sees marriage as one of the seven Sacraments, which is why we treat every marriage with the utmost respect and reverence. The Church sees your marriage and love for each other as a reflection of what God’s love for us must be like.
The following guidelines are designed to help you ensure that your marriage ceremony truly reflects that love. To meet the basic requirements to be legally married in the Catholic Church you must be able to answer “yes” to the following questions.
- I am over 18 years of age
- I am legally able to get married under the laws of the Australian Government.(ie; you are not presently married)
- I am legally able to get married under the laws of the Catholic Church (i.e. you have never been married before or if you have, then you have been through the Church annulment process and have received an annulment from the Church)
- You are both prepared to complete a marriage preparation course before you get married
If you cannot answer “yes” to all of the above (4) questions then we cannot take a booking for your wedding at this time. If you are unsure, or have any questions, please contact our Parish manager Sandra Di Francesco on 07 3267 4825
You will need to provide a copy of:
- Your birth certificate
- Your baptismal certificate (at least one of the parties to be married must be baptized Catholic).
- Any other relevant documentation (i.e. copies of annulments, divorce decree etc.)
- A certificate indicating the completion of your marriage preparation program (when you have completed your course).
Because of the number of couples who choose to get married at the Little Flower and our common desire to celebrate your wedding with dignity and to maintain the highest possible standard, we have an inclusive wedding fee of $900.00.
This includes:
- Priest fee
- Church fee
- Church Flowers
When the booking is made you will be required to make a deposit of $500.00.
BSB: 064 786
Account Number: 10000 3991
Account Name: Little Flower Church
Reference: Family Surname and date of Wedding.
Please contact Sandra to make an appointment to meet with her. You will need to bring both Birth and Baptism certificates on your first meeting.
Couples are strongly advised to contact the parish at least six months before the proposed date of their wedding.07 3267 4825